DHCD offers financial resources, technical assistance, and learning opportunities to help communities reinvest in their places, invigorate local economies, and improve quality in the lives of their residents.

Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement

DHCD supports big-picture approaches in addressing critical community needs.

Downtown Revitalization

DHCD supports and promotes healthy, vibrant and sustaining downtowns and business districts across the commonwealth.

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Strong entrepreneurial ecosystems drive strong economies. These resources can help communities strengthen the support network for local businesses.


DHCD supports the development of safe and affordable housing through a variety of programs.


DHCD supports the production of multifamily housing targeted for low-and moderate-income residents of Virginia’s communities through a number of programs.

Housing Rehabilitation

DHCD invests in the rehabilitation of safe and affordable housing units for low- and moderate-income Virginians.


DHCD programs provide transformational investments that repurpose blighted structures, increase access to telecommunications, improve foundational community services, and stimulate private investment.

Water, Sewer and Drainage

DHCD programs support access to public water and sewer services for low- and moderate-income communities.

Downtown Improvements

DHCD works across the commonwealth to support and promote healthy, vibrant and sustaining downtowns and business districts.


DHCD’s broadband initiatives foster strong, competitive communities by preparing them to build, utilize and capitalize on telecommunications infrastructure.

Flood Mitigation

Check out resources from DHCD that assist with flood mitigation and water management.

Housing Production

DHCD funds eligible units of local government for infrastructure development for new single- and multifamily housing units targeted for low- and moderate-income persons.


Regional partnership are an important component to successful communities. Check out how DHCD supports and is involved in regional approaches to creating vibrant communities.

GO Virginia

GO Virginia is growing and diversifying Virginia’s economy through strategic regional investments by aligning resources, closing skills gaps and positioning the commonwealth to for high wage, high growth industries.

Virginia Resiliency Plan

State and regional stakeholders of the public-private Resilience Partnership are responding to ongoing environmental changes to reinvent Hampton Roads around a shared understanding of how to live with water.

Friends of Southwest Virginia

Local, regional, and state partners in the 19 counties of Southwest Virginia are building the creative economy around heritage music and craft, food, and outdoor recreation.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

Virginia’s Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) investments foster economic development and improve the quality of life for the commonwealth’s Appalachian citizens.

Planning District Commissions

Virginia has 21 planning district commissions (PDCs), voluntary associations of local governments intended to foster intergovernmental cooperation by bringing together local elected and appointed officials and involved citizens to discuss common needs and determine solutions to regional issues. 

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)

This CDBG program funds eligible units of local government to redevelop blighted structures in support of the location of a new industry or expansion of an existing industrial park, on a regional scale.Regional Water/Wastewater Fund grants address water and wastewater improvements on a regional scale. These projects must be contained to a single area which includes portions of adjacent CDBG-eligible localities with one local government designated the lead locality.

Disaster Relief

DHCD administers multiple programs that assist with disaster recovery efforts. 

CDBG Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR)

Find out more about the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR) program.

Hurley Flood Relief

Find out more about the Hurley Flood Relief program.

Whitewood Flood Relief

Find out more about the Whitewood Flood Relief program.

Bandy Flood Relief

Find out more about the Bandy Flood Relief program.