VEZ Local Zone Administrators


The Virginia Enterprise Zone program is a partnership between state and local government in which both parties strive to improve economic conditions within targeted areas. The program should complement other local, state and federal economic development activities to create an improved climate for private sector investment, development and expansion within the targeted areas. An enterprise zone is not intended to be a stand-alone program nor a single "intervention" instrument.

Local Incentives

Local incentives are a critical part of the success of an enterprise zone. It is important for each locality to determine the mix of incentives that will best assist them in overcoming the specific barriers to development within their zone and that support targeted businesses. The quality, effectiveness and utilization rather than the overall number of incentives is the best measure of successful local incentives.

Zone Amendments

In instances in which a local zone would like to modify the zone boundaries or local incentive package, the locality can submit an Enterprise Zone Amendment Application. These applications can be submitted once every 12 months from the date of the locality’s last zone amendment. Joint zones may amend their zones in one application or independently so long as each locality amends their portion of the zone only once every 12 months from the date of the locality’s last amendment.

Enterprise Zone amendments are now submitted through the Centralized Application Management System (CAMS). Localities must be up to date on their annual reports before they may submit an amendment application. Please contact DHCD at to discuss any planned amendment application so the proper form may be added to your CAMS profile.

Requirements for the amendment procedures are outlined in the Enterprise Zone Amendment Manual.

2023 Enterprise Zone Boundary and Incentive Amendment Training

Annual Report

For the purpose of program monitoring and evaluation, each locality with an enterprise zone is required to submit annual reports to DHCD by July 15 of each year. These reports include information on major announcements and projects within the local zone, local incentive utilization, job creation, public and private investment levels, and up-to-date marketing materials. Beginning with the 2015 annual reports, localities must submit their annual report Form EZ-3-AR through the Centralized Application Management System. Hard-copy or emailed reports using templates from previous reporting periods will not be accepted. 

Zone Renewals 

In accordance with the Code of Virginia a locality is required to submit renewal applications by the beginning of October in anticipation of a localities designated renewal time. Enterprise zones designated after July 1, 2005 are in effect for an initial 10-year period with up to four five-year renewal periods. Enterprise zones designated prior to July 1, 2005, are eligible for two five-year renewal. All zones in effect as of June 30, 2024 will be extended for an additional four-year period in addition the other renewal periods. Recommendations for five-year renewals shall be based on the locality's performance of its enterprise zone responsibilities, the continued need for such a zone, and its effectiveness in creating jobs and capital investment. 

In anticipation of the anniversaries of the enterprise zone’s designation renewal, the locality will be asked to submit information through the Centralized Application Management System (CAMS). Local Zone Administrators will be notified ahead of time when they are required to submit a renewal application.


Contact list of Local Zone Administrators