Check out the latest DHCD events, trainings and webinars. Register for upcoming events to reserve your spot!
DHCD has an array of online systems to assist you with our programs.
DHCD’s Centralized Application and Management System (CAMS) is utilized for all application and grant management throughout the agency.
Utilize DHCD’s online licensing system for Industrialized Building seals
The VBCA Online System allows building and fire code professionals to access up-to-date Training, Certification, and Continuing Education information 24/7. Visit the Classroom Registration page to learn more.
The Commonwealth of Virginia Learning Center (COVLC) allows code professionals to access web-based training offered by the Virginia Building Code Academy at any time, free of charge.
Consolidated Plan
Virginia’s Consolidated Plan is a five-year plan that examines the housing and community development needs of the commonwealth.
The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), located § 2.2-3700 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, guarantees citizens of the commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials and public employees.
DHCD Audit Policy
All grantees, sub-grantees, CHDOs, sub-recipients, localities, developers or any other organizations that receive funding during a program year and/or have projects in progress are required to submit financial statements to DHCD.
CAMS Audit Guidance
All grantees, sub-grantees, CHDOs, sub-recipients, localities, developers, or any other organizations that receive funding during a program year and/or have projects in progress are required to submit financial statements to DHCD.