Department of Housing and Community DevelopmentAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Earn, Maintain or Verify a Certification


Earn a Certification

Persons looking to obtain a DHCD certification should start here. Find out more about requirements for certification and helpful resources such as certification applications, certification requirements and more.

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Continuing Education

In order to keep DHCD certifications active, certificate holders must submit 16 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years. Click here for details and resources, including a continuing education guide, FAQs, continuing education application and more.

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Code Change Training

Code change training, which typically occurs on a three-year cycle, is mandatory for all building and fire code enforcement personnel holding one or more DHCD certifications. Specific training requirements are based on the specific certifications held and are outlined in the code change matrix, available in the Resources section of this page.

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Verify a Certification

Certification status is public information in Virginia per the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Browse the certificate search page and filter by certification type and locality.

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