Non-entitlement units of local government are the only eligible recipients of Virginia CDBG funding, but these local governments may contract with Planning District Commissions, nonprofit organizations and other competent entities to undertake project activities.
Competitive grants are awarded following the competitive review of all applicable applications. The timeline for submission of competitive grant applications to DHCD is the spring of every year, with a second round conducted in the fall if funding remains. Applications review will occur in late spring/early summer, and announcements of competitive grant offers are anticipated in late summer/early fall.
In order to provide more targeted technical assistance to potential applicants for CDBG funding, DHCD strongly encourages all prospective competitive applicants to contact DHCD staff with project ideas or letters of interest. DHCD staff will accept, review and provide feedback on applications in January of each year.
To help ensure that the strongest possible competitive application is submitted, localities are encouraged to apply for a planning grant prior to submitting a construction application.