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Downtown Revitalization


Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC)

Virginia’s Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) funding fosters economic development and improves the quality of life for our Appalachian citizens. ARC provides assistance in the long-term development of a chronically depressed multi-state region, which includes 25 counties and eight independent cities in Virginia. ARC invests in water and sewer service to communities, workforce training… Click Here


Community Development Block Grants

This CDBG program funds eligible units of local government to support business district revitalization efforts to improve the economic and physical conditions within the community. Downtown revitalization requires significant local capacity and resources.

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Industrial Revitalization Fund (IRF)

The Industrial Revitalization Fund (IRF) leverages local and private resources to achieve market-driven redevelopment of vacant and deteriorated industrial and commercial properties. The program is targeted toward vacant non-residential structures whose poor condition creates physical and economic blight to the surrounding area in which the structure is located. Eligible properties… Click Here


Port Host Communities Revitalization Fund

The General Assembly has allocated $1 million for Fiscal Year 2020 to be used for the strategic removal or redevelopment ofport related properties in the five port host communities of the town of Front Royal and the cities of Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Richmond.For the purposes of this program, the term “port-related”will be considered to mean any non-residential structure that was… CLick Here


Virginia Main Street (VMS)

The Virginia Main Street Program is a preservation-based economic and community development program that follows the Main Street Approach by the National Main Street Center. Virginia Main Street is a Main Street America State Coordinating Program that offers a range of services and assistance to communities interested in revitalizing their historic commercial districts. While the program… Click here